Descriptive Statistics, 2006 survey wave


Highest Education Level Frequency Percent
Master Degree Abroad 5 0.70
Master Degree at home 19 2.67
Undergraduate Education at Home 131 18.42
Junior College 202 28.41
Vocational School/Highschool 230 32.35
Junior highscool 105 14.77
Primary School Education 18 2.53
No Formal Education 1 0.14
Total 711 100


Are you one of the owners of this firm? Frequency Percent
No 12 16.88
Yes 591 83.12
Total 591 100


Are you one of the founders of this firm? Frequency Percent
No 68 11.51
Yes 523 88.49
Total 591 100


Where did you work right before serving as a CEO of this firm? Frequency Percent
State-owned enterprise, same industry 110 15.47
State-owned enterprise, different industry 62 8.72
Non-state firm, same industry 295 41.49
Non-state firm, different industry 178 25.04
Research institution 9 1.27
Higher education institution 11 1.55
Government office 18 2.53
Other, specify 28 3.94
Total 711 100


Did you ever have a cadre position in government office? Frequency Percent
No 676 95.08
Yes 35 4.92
Total 711 100

II. Firm History

Has the firm existed before it registed as a private firm? Frequency Percent
No 456 64.14
Yes 255 35.86
Total 711 100


Under which ownership form has the firm existed before? Frequency Percent
State-owned enterprise 46 18.04
Urban collective-owned enterprise 61 23.92
Rural collective-owned enterprise 23 9.02
Private enterprise 113 44.31
Other, please specify 12 4.71
Total 255 100


Which legal status does the firm currently have? Frequency Percent
Sole-ownership enterprise 63 8.86
Joint-ownership enterprise 46 6.47
Limited-liability corporation 476 66.95
Shareholding corporation Ltd. 112 17.16
Subsidiary /division of domestic firm 1 0.14
Other, please specify 3 0.28
Total 711 100

III. Supplier Relations

What is the ownership type of your largest supplier? Frequency Percent
State-owned Enterprise 73 10.27
Collective-owned Enterprise 36 5.06
Private-owned firm 528 74.26
Foreign (wholly owned) Enterprise 16 2.25
Joint venture Enterprises 49 6.89
Cooperation Enterprises 7 0.98
Other, please specify 2 0.28
Total 711 100


Where are your company’s important suppliers located? Percent
In the same locality 35.8
In the same region 29.8
Outside of this province 30.6
Overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan) 3.8


What would you base your decision on, before choosing a new supplier of a crucial input material? Frequency Percent
Just rely on my own experience 49 6.89
Good reputation according to longterm business partners 341 47.96
Good reputation according to business association 34 4.78
Good reputation according to friends and family 18 2.53
Price and quality of the product etc 256 36.01
Other, please specify 13 1.83
Total 711 100

IV. Customer Relations

What is the major market for your main product? Frequency Percent
Your city 56 7.88
Your province 126 17.72
China 421 59.21
Overseas, export 108 15.19
Total 711 100


Approximately what percentage of your establishment’s domestic sales in 2005 was to? Percent
The government 2.7
State-owned enterpreise 13.3
Multinationals located in China 5.2
Your parent company of subsidiaries 2.6
Large domestic private firms 27.0
Small private firms of individuals 35.9
Other, specify 13.3
Total 100


Measured by sales, where are the purchasers of the products in your main business line located? Percent
In the same locality 18.3
In the same region 30.9
Outside of this province 35.8
Overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan) 14.9

V. Labor

What proportion of your total staff belongs to each of the categories? Percent
Management staff 12.4
Technical staff 16.8
Unskilled labor 67.3
Other 3.5
Total 100

VI. Innovation

Has your firm undertaken any of the following initiatives during the last two years? % Yes % No
Introduced a new product 58.8 41.2
Upgraded an existing product line 49.7 50.3
Discontinued at least one product line 21.8 71.2
Agreed to a new joint venture with foreign partner 19.4 80.6
Obtained a new licensing agreement 19.8 80.2
Outsourced a major production activity 24.2 75.8
Improvement of production process 62.9 37.1
New management techniques 65.7 34.3
New quality controls in production 61.2 38.8

VII. Organization

Currently, are the following items for you important to attract managerial and technical talents? Not important % Important % Most important %
Salary and Benefits 2.8 56.1 41.1
Attractive Work 9.2 69.8 21.0
Social relations at work 12.4 12.4 12.4


Currently, are the following items important for your firm to select managerial and technical talents? Not important % Important % Most important %
Skills 0.1 50.9 49
Potentials 3.8 62.5 33.7
Fit with organizational culture 13.8 73.1 13.1
Social ties with management 50.1 44.3 5.6


Currently, are the following items important for your firm to coordinate managerial and technical talents? Not important % Important % Most important %
Direct supervision 18.0 69.8 12.2
Peer control 12 73.6 14.4
Firm regulations and rules 11.5 66.4 22.1